
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Do you ever think of yourself, of your life, in a set way?  I know I do.  Words like frugal, safe, financially cautious, and honestly, fearful characterize much of my inner mantra about decisions involving major change.

So imagine the mental reshuffling I'm doing as our family launches into this fall.  I'm off to Istanbul, Turkey tomorrow!  I'm not earning an income, but my expenses are covered as a chaperon.  Yay for breaking even!  The part that makes me stop short:  I'll be on my own for two weeks.  Sure, there's the professor organizing the trip and her family as well as the thirteen students.  But I'm leaving my peeps behind.  Who will I be without them?  This blog helps track that question.

Days after I depart my favorite son takes off for a semester at a cool Quaker boarding academy. 

After that, my true love uses his research funding to begin his journey to join me, stopping in Germany on the way.  After two weeks apart, we reunite just in time for our anniversary.

While we're away, my favorite girl takes off for a term in Spain.  Last night she told a friend on the phone, "My mom leaves for Istanbul, Turkey soon so I'll have to call you back later.  I want to read to her out loud."  Now I am hooked on the book she's given me for the flight.

So much excitement.  Change.  Unknown.   And so much bittersweet as I bid my handful of darlings farewell and they set off on their own adventures.

Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Smile.

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