
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day Two continued.

After a lovely morning on the terrace, the group hit the street. We walked through our neighborhood toward Sultan Ahmet square and the metro station there. Suzanne showed us how to purchase tokens: Jeton. New possibilities for freedom opened.

We traveled on the clean, cool train to Eminonu station near the New Mosque which faces the harbor at the confluence of the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus. See the black line on the map.

The camera gave me some grief and made pictures appear blue.  Not sure yet why.  I tried another setting.  Still working on the learning curve with the new Olympus.

We ate our first so-so meal and then went on to explore the Spice Bazaar.  I grew weary, so left my group and found my way back to the apartment on my own.  I love this city!

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