
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The next half

The patina of age and the comfort of well-worn really suit me.  But one of my favorite brands is New.  True.  So here's a new blog from me.

You may have joined me last summer as the fam and I posted pictures and reports about our Jordan adventure.  Yay!  If you enjoyed that read, consider following this adventure: the next half of my life.

Several "Big Day" flags flutter in the future:

1) September 1st Ken and I celebrate twenty-five years together.  The anniversary also means that more of my life has been with him than without him; and am I ever thankful.

2) Next spring holds another banner.  The beginning of the bigger half of my life. Whoop!  Whoop!  Not ready for the senior discount at Goodwill, but getting closer.

This blog is to track what comes as I ramp up for these events and move into life beyond.  Thanks for sharing the trip with me.

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