
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Istanbul, Ken

Greeting my man at Ataturk International Airport

Yesterday, my dearest arrived to share the Turkish adventure with me. After two weeks apart, I was a bit giddy to see him again. 

Along with excellent company, this means I have someone to show around the small sliver that I know of this wonderful city. We walk along and I'm the one leading the way, pointing out the next turn, naming the landmark. I also have the luxury of unlimited access to a good kisser and his laptop.

Thank you to Chelsea, Carlos, Ashlee and the generous Suzanne Mallery who each loaned a computer to me in turn so I could check e-mail, import pictures, blog and create slide shows on Picasa.

Celebrating our reunion with chai and pistachio baklava!
Now I'm on Istanbul with sweet Ken AND a MacBook. Heaven!

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