
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Winding Down and Catching Up

Just a few more days in Istanbul and then our group heads back to Southern California. Each day continues to be full so I'm way behind on posting pictures. The students blog more faithfully: that's part of their assignment.

Our Cappadocia visit included a tour of chapels and churches built by early Christians in the 10th through 12th centuries. A few of these photos are taken in very low light and, I confess, covertly because any video or photography was prohibited inside.

Before leaving Cappadocia I made another special purchase: a small silver cross for Ken. We're celebrating our Silver Anniversary in an amazing place and it seemed appropriate to purchase a cross in Cappadocia. Because I am a reticent shopper, I was the only one dropped off in Urgup on our last afternoon there. Along with finding a silver shop I scouted the streets around the town center and then walked back to our hotel.

Monday morning we checked out, boarded our bus, and bid farewell to Cappadocia provence. Our final tour destination: Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

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