
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Saturday Cruise on the Bosphorus

Out for more adventure! Leaving our apartment we bought jetons (tokens) to take the metro to Eminonu. Unfortunately, the metro was very crowded and in the crush, someone picked Paul Mallery's pocket. Sigh. Never a good feeling, being robbed.

We pressed on and still had a lovely time viewing both the European and Asian sides of Istanbul. We sailed under both bridges. Various building styles graced the shore and I kept my camera at the ready. The variety in our sailing companions was just as interesting. The captain turned the boat around after we sailed under the Second Bridge and we returned to the harbor.

I admit it would be nice to know what many of these buildings are. Note to self, start identifying what's in each picture if possible.

Update: The Mallerys tried to file a police report Saturday without success. Sunday the same. It may be that national pride is bruised with such a report. Ramadan ended on Monday, August 29th. August 30th is Turkish Independence Day. With overlapping holidays, many civil offices are either closed or very busy. No official police report has been filed yet.

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