
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

On to Cappadocia

Leaving Konya we continued our journey heading for Cappadocia. On the way we pulled off the main road to explore an ancient camel stop known as a Karavansaray. Caravan drivers would stop to rest here in summer and winter, allowing their camels to shelter and water, protected from the wind and snow of the plateau. These fortress-like stone structures once dotted the main travel route every 30 or 35 kilometers, the distance, I'm guessing, an average caravan would cover in a day. Once in Cappadocia province, the terrain changed and I had my first glimpse of "faerie chimneys", formations resulting from millennia of erosion of packed volcanic ash. After a long day driving and touring it felt wonderful to take a dip in the pool of our five-star hotel.

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