
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Farewell with music & bubbles

Betul and Ali hosted us at a farewell reception just before our departure. We ate dinner at the Indian (yes, Indian) restaurant right next door to their gallery. After a lovely meal eaten facing the Hagia Sophia in the changing light of evening, we climbed down four flights of stairs, crossed a narrow street and climbed up three flights. In the gallery where we'd eaten an Iftar feast shortly after our arrival we now nibbled treats and sipped tea.

Our evening was a mix of thankfulness for the experiences gained and the friendships shared and sadness to leave this magical place and kind people to return to normal life. Seeing us off with the Şengüler family were my friend Dervish Erol, the food critic and cooking teacher (whose name I don't remember) and Serkan Çağrı, the most famous clarinetist in Turkey who some students met in the music class.

Here is a clip of Serkan playing for us:

Speeches were made and gifts given. Dervish Erol sent us off with the plastic baggies containing the makings for dervish tea.  Ali gave each person in our group a lovely Turkish tile. Suzanne thanked our hosts for making our visit so memorable, letting them know how deeply they had touched our hearts.
Quietly, I gave the family a box of German chocolates that Ken brought from his trip. I also gave Emre and Zayneb each a small bottle of bubbles. I was very good and let them do all, well most, of the blowing.

Emre was asleep when we first arrived, so Zayneb, Suzanne and I played on our own. When Emre woke from his nap, he made up for lost time, blowing bubbles and chasing his sister around the room. I'm happy to have a picture of Betul with both of her darlings.
The evening, like the bubbles, shimmered and danced in loveliness. And then ended. But the memory still floats in my heart.

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