
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Aya Sofia a.k.a. Hagia Sophia

I've been told that Istanbul exudes mystical energy.  My afternoon walking through the incomparable Aya Sofia convinced me of it.  As my 80+ pictures prove, I found the former Cathedral/former Mosque/now museum fascinating at every turn.  Once the largest church in the world, the structure also boasted that of largest clear-standing dome. Google it for more juicy details.

Sadly, it is not clear how much longer this treasure will remain open for visitors. Time, earthquakes, structural issues and debates over who is responsible for maintenance, all contribute to the growing question of the safety and preservation of the site.

I feel especially thankful that I've lived to see it. The memory of unnumbered prayers, both Christian and Islamic, whispered under the golden dome and blessed me.

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